Thursday, September 3, 2009

Yeah for Sierra!

So, for anyone out there that has is or is trying to potty train a child, you will understand this post. Others might just think I am crazy. I am so excited that my wonderful little girl has figured out how to go potty all on her own and knows when she needs to go. I no longer have to remind her every 30 minutes to try and go potty, there are no more accidents and no more worries about leaving the house without a diaper on. It took her 4 days at preschool to realize that SHE wanted to do this. Now she goes all on her own, even wakes up in the middle of the night to go. Yeah for Sierra!!


Ali C. said...

Good Job Sierra! I am not looking forward to that time in a couple years! Good Job Holly!

Erin said...

Congrats to Sierra! This is a HUGE accomplishment.

Kimi said...

Yay Sierra! No you need the requisite pic of her sitting on the potty reading a book or something. Nice to have only 1 kid in diapers now, huh?

Bill and Paige said...

Congrats Sierra!!