Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm not so good at this...

I just realized that I come on here just to read everyone else's posts but never post them myself. I find myself waiting to have pictures to post with what I am writing about and that seems to stop me every time. So, I will just write for a little. Maybe this weekend sometime I can post some pictures.

We have started the process of trying to potty train Sierra. Part of me feels we have started late and then I remind myself that I was waiting for clues from her to see if she was ready. She does really good when I tell her to go potty but is always to busy playing to stop and go. I should have known that the child who can barely stop moving long enough to eat wouldn't want to stop to go potty. :) I know she will figure it out, I just hope she does before August, so that she can go to Preschool.

The baby and my belly are growing very big! We had a 3D ultrasound last Friday (Happy Mother's Day to me). It was incredible!! I just loved getting to see my adorable baby boy a bit early. He has big cheeks and a round face and looks a awful lot like his sister. It is going to be so fun to see how much he looks like these ultrasounds. Hopefully I can post the pictures soon. We are getting very excited to have this baby boy! I am also realizing how much I have to do before he comes. Ahh!! Where does the time go?

I better get to bed, work comes early tomorrow. Thanks to all of you for your wonderful posts and pictures, I really enjoy reading them!!!!

1 comment:

Bill and Paige said...

Yeah!! Keep them coming. It takes some time to get up and running, but I know you can do it:) Can't wait to see pictures.