Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I forgot about this!!

I have to admit, I completely forgot about this page. Life is crazy with 2 kids and work, but so much fun.

Sierra continues to amaze us at how much she has learned in preschool so far. She is such a sponge. Her whole world is about letters and the sounds those letters make. This week they are working on the letter S and she couldn't be more excited since "S is for Sierra" as she says. She is a wonderful big sister and continues to love her brother to pieces!! Usually more than he wants the love.

Brandon is already 7 months old (will be 8 months on Friday)!! He is a crawling machine! Nowhere is off limits to him. His favorite pass times are following his big sister around, throwing the ball and chasing after it and playing with the door stops on the back of the doors. We have even caught him trying to climb the stairs! Guess it is time for a gate again.

Sean broke his foot a few weeks ago but only found out it was actually broke yesterday. Needless to say he is not too happy about that. Looks like basketball and golf are going to be out of the question for another month. That makes for a very unhappy husband!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Yeah for Sierra!

So, for anyone out there that has is or is trying to potty train a child, you will understand this post. Others might just think I am crazy. I am so excited that my wonderful little girl has figured out how to go potty all on her own and knows when she needs to go. I no longer have to remind her every 30 minutes to try and go potty, there are no more accidents and no more worries about leaving the house without a diaper on. It took her 4 days at preschool to realize that SHE wanted to do this. Now she goes all on her own, even wakes up in the middle of the night to go. Yeah for Sierra!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sierra started Preschool

On Tuesday, the 18th, Sierra started Windsor Christina Academy Preschool. She was so excited to start school and has been working really hard on potty training so that she could go. Well, the day finally came and she did great! She had so much fun and is loving going everyday. It is weird to be sending her to school when I am home, but she seems to really be loving it. I think she got kinda bored with me at home. I do have to admit, it is a bit of a break for me. Caring for just Brandon is easier (at times) than taking care of both of them. I have taken full advantage of her 3 mornings at school so far- 2 trips to Starbucks, grocery shopping and a pedicure. I am so proud of my big girl!! I can't believe she is 3 already!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Brandon is here!!

So, most of you probably already know, but here are the details. Brandon Christopher was born Friday, June 26, 2009 at 1:47am. He weighed 8 pounds 11 ounces and he was 20 inches long. Labor was very fast and very different from Sierra's. My mom came up on Thursday, when I was told not to go back to work anymore because my blood pressure was too high. The quick story; around 7pm on Thursday I started having regular contractions, about 10 minutes apart. That lasted for 3 hours, then all of a sudden they stopped, for about half an hour. Then they came back, still about 10 minutes apart. We decided to go to sleep, well at least Sean and my mom got to go to sleep. My contractions continued, after about half an hour or so, they got closer together and a bit stronger. Once they were about 7 minutes apart for almost an hour, I called the hospital. The nurse asked if I thought I was in labor. Funny question, why else would I be calling? Anyway, we left for the hospital, contractions still about 7 minutes apart. On the car ride there I said I hoped to get to the hospital to get my epidural and maybe get a little bit of sleep. But Brandon had other thoughts. We got to the hospital right around 1am; contractions ions jumped to about 2 minutes apart. Before I could even get the gown on and get in bed I felt the urge to push. The nurse checked me and she said it was time. So much for the epidural. I really wanted to try it this time. Oh well. Things got a little scary when Brandon's heart rate started to decelerate. They called in a doctor (the midwife was doing everything at that point) with the vacuum. One push with the vacuum and out he came. And he was just fine!!! Oh what an experience. Luckily my mom had come up on Thursday morning so she got to be there. I really wanted her there. My friend Krista met us at the hospital and took Sierra for us. With just a few minutes to spare, our friend Amanda made it. We really didn't think she would make it. It was an amazing experience but I am so glad it is over! Now we have our beautiful baby boy to enjoy!! Sierra just loves him! It is the neatest thing to see.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Well, here we are, 2 days past my due date and our little man has not made his grand entrance. This is new territory for us because Sierra was 3 days early. At least we thought so. When I was 7 weeks pregnant my doctor changed my due date from June 6th to June 13th. So for us, we never made that elusive due date. This time however- it has come and gone. I know so many people who have been in this boat, once if not twice, and now I truly understand how frustrating it is. I have my moments when I am ok with it all and am patiently waiting for it to be time and then I have times when I am very frustrated. Why doesn’t he want to come out? I guess he is just not quite ready. Good news is, the later he is, the farther away his and Sierra’s birthdays will be. I just have to remember that it is not in my hands or in my control so I just have to sit back and let it happen. So not like me. J

Saturday, May 16, 2009


So, last Friday I got the extreme pleasure of having a 3D Ultrasound of Brandon. The pictures are amazing!! I loved the 20 minutes we spent in there so much!!!! Sierra was very cute, at one point she looked at the TV screen and yelled "That's baby Brandon!". I cried, of course. I feel so lucky and a bit spoiled to be able to see my precious son's face a little early. It's funny, I have friends who think it is totally creepy but I just love it!!! I am going to try and post one for you all to see. We'll see if I can figure it out.

Just 5 weeks to go! Hopefully little Brandon will want to come out on time, like Sierra did. :) I can only keep my fingers crossed.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm not so good at this...

I just realized that I come on here just to read everyone else's posts but never post them myself. I find myself waiting to have pictures to post with what I am writing about and that seems to stop me every time. So, I will just write for a little. Maybe this weekend sometime I can post some pictures.

We have started the process of trying to potty train Sierra. Part of me feels we have started late and then I remind myself that I was waiting for clues from her to see if she was ready. She does really good when I tell her to go potty but is always to busy playing to stop and go. I should have known that the child who can barely stop moving long enough to eat wouldn't want to stop to go potty. :) I know she will figure it out, I just hope she does before August, so that she can go to Preschool.

The baby and my belly are growing very big! We had a 3D ultrasound last Friday (Happy Mother's Day to me). It was incredible!! I just loved getting to see my adorable baby boy a bit early. He has big cheeks and a round face and looks a awful lot like his sister. It is going to be so fun to see how much he looks like these ultrasounds. Hopefully I can post the pictures soon. We are getting very excited to have this baby boy! I am also realizing how much I have to do before he comes. Ahh!! Where does the time go?

I better get to bed, work comes early tomorrow. Thanks to all of you for your wonderful posts and pictures, I really enjoy reading them!!!!